Finance Insolvency

How Trump’s stock market ranks in his first 30 days in office

This article was sourced from Market Watch. Article by Mark DeCambre. Much has been made of the stock market’s record-setting performance since President Donald Trump won the race for the White House back in November. But Dow Jones’s data team offers more insight into how Trump stacks up compared with other presidents in their first 30 […]

Insolvency Technology

Billionaire investor Mark Cuban calls Amazon ‘the greatest startup in the world’

This article was sourced from Business Insider Australia. Article by Eugene Kim. Mark Cuban, the billionaire investor and owner of the Dallas Mavericks, doesn’t think the greatest startup in the world is Uber or Airbnb. It’s Amazon. “I think Amazon is the greatest start-up and the greatest company in the world,” Cuban said Friday in an […]

technology BCR Advisory

MONEY & MARKETS Allphones has gone into administration

This article was sourced from Business Insider Australia. Article by Chris Pash. Mobile phone retail chain Allphones went into voluntary administration today. Allphones, which opened its first shopfront in South Australia in 1989, is the largest independent telecommunications retailer in Australia with 80 company-owned, licensed and franchised stores and 440 staff. As a first step, 18 company-owned […]

BCR Advisory money issues

Mass. Bankruptcy Court: Mortgage with Incorrect Legal Description Is Avoidable by Chapter 7 Trustee

This article was sourced from JD Supra. Article by Christopher Somma and Goodwin. On January 4, 2017, the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Massachusetts found that a Chapter 7 Trustee could avoid the debtor’s mortgage and preserve it for the benefit of the bankruptcy estate.  The opinion, Eastern Bank v. Benton (In re Thomas H […]

BCR Advisory Sydney

Herringbone and Rhodes & Beckett have gone into administration

This article was sourced from Business Insider Australia. Article by Chris Pash. Fashion clothing brands Herringbone and Rhodes & Beckett have gone into voluntary administration, joining a growing list of retailers seeing customer support fade. They have 29 stores with 140 employees. Insolvency group Cor Cordis has been appointed administrator. They follow fashion labels Marcs and […]

BCR Advisory Bankruptcy

So What Does a Bankruptcy Carve-Out Clause Really Mean? Delaware Bankruptcy Court Concludes It is Not a Cap on Fees After All

This article was sourced from JD Supra Business Advisor. Article by Robert Kaelin and Murtha Cullina. In chapter 11 bankruptcy cases, it is not uncommon for secured parties/lenders to provide a “carve-out” for various professional fees.  Frequently there may be a “carve-out” for “all chapter 11 professionals” or the “carve-out” may be broken out in different […]

Working BCR Advisory

The are some frightening ways your office tech can compromise employee data

This article was sourced from Fast Company. Article by Kevin D Mitnick. Ang Cui is the CEO and chief scientist of Red Balloon Security, but from 2008 until 2015 he was a graduate student at Columbia University, where he spent more time thinking about laser printers than most of the people who used them. Cui wondered, in […]

BCR Advisory Technology

Man who introduced serious ‘Heartbleed’ security flaw denies he inserted it deliberately

This article was sourced from The Sydney Morning Herald. Article by Ben Grubb. The German software developer who introduced a security flaw into an encryption protocol used by millions of websites globally says he did not insert it deliberately as some have suggested. In what appears to be his first comments to the media since the […]

BCR Advisory Entrepreneur
World business

28-year-old cofounder of liquor delivery platform shares his advice for aspiring entrepreneurs

This article was sourced from Business Insider. Article by Frank Chapparo. Maxim Razmakhin has always been an entrepreneurial spirit. When he was in college, he sold milkshakes out of his dorm room. “It was sort of like a substitute for coffee,” Razmakhin said. “It stimulated brain power and helped people cram for those big exams.” He ended up […]

BCR Advisory money issues
World business

A financial psychologist explains why humans are ‘naturally wired’ to be bad with money

This article was sourced from Business Insider Australia.  Article by Tanza Loudenback.  You may have figured out by now that your money problems are the result of your upbringing. In fact, the attitudes and beliefs your parents held about money while you were young has a profound effect on your relationship with money as an adult, […]

BCR Advisory World business
World business

SoftBank to Buy Fortress Investment Group for $3.3 Billion

This article was sourced from Bloomberg Technology. Article by Devin Banerjee and Pavel Alpeyev. SoftBank Group Corp. is buying alternative-asset manager Fortress Investment Group LLC for $3.3 billion in cash to operate alongside the Japanese company’s soon-to-be-established technology investment fund. Japan’s SoftBank will pay $8.08 a share for New York-based Fortress, a 39 percent premium […]

BCR Advisory team
BCR Advisory Articles

Multimillion-dollar printing business collapses into administration.

This article was sourced from Smart Company.  Article by Broede Carmody. A multimillion-dollar printing business that has been operating for more than 20 years has collapsed into voluntary administration. Sydney Allen Printers Pty Limited appointed external managers late last week but appears to still be trading. John Morgan and Geoffrey Davis from BCR Advisory have been appointed […]

technology BCR Advisory

CommBank suffers major Eftpos, Netbank outage.

This article was sourced from Sydney Morning Herald. Article by Ben Grubb. CommBank suffered an almost three-hour long major outage on Friday afternoon that affected its Eftpos machines and customers’ access to some features in Netbank, its online banking system. The outage, which began about 12pm AEST, was affecting customers across Australia, leaving some people unable to pay for […]

BCR Advisory

Impulsive? A procrastinator? Blame your genes.

This article was sourced from The Sydney Morning Herald.  Article by Melissa Healy.  New research suggests the tax office should expand the list of acceptable explanations for procrastinators’ yearly extension requests and late tax filings. Two possibilities: “I was born this way” and “failure to evolve”. Procrastination, suggests a new study, is an evolved trait that […]

BCR Advisory Bankruptcy

Energy Future begins bankruptcy exit hearing with key deal

This article was sourced from Yahoo Finance and Reuters. Article by Tom Hals.  WILMINGTON, Del., Feb 14 (Reuters) – Energy Future Holdings Corp outlined on Tuesday a deal that resolved the biggest disputes hanging over the company as it opened a trial to confirm its plan to exit bankruptcy and be acquired by NextEra Energy Inc for about […]

BCR Advisory Bankruptcy

MC Sports announces bankruptcy filing; liquidation sales

This article was sourced from Fox 17 online. Article by Bob Brenzing. GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. – A Grand Rapids-based sporting goods retailer has filed for bankruptcy protection. MC Sports announced Tuesday they are reorganizing the company under Chapter 11 of the bankruptcy code. The company has 68 locations in seven states and operates a ski shop […]

BCR Advisory Bankruptcy

Toshiba may file for bankruptcy: chairman resigns following $6.3 billion loss

This article was sourced from android authority. Article by Kris Carlon. Toshiba may be facing bankruptcy amidst a failed attempt to salvage the company’s fortunes. Toshiba confirmed today that it will take a $6.3 billion hit thanks to its problematic US-based nuclear construction business. In response, the company’s chairman will step down tomorrow. Toshiba had attempted […]

Insolvency Law Change 2017

The Sub-Contractor Scam: ‘Certified Fraud’

This article was sourced from Sourceable. Article by Anne Paten. If you walk around any construction site across the country, it’s immediately apparent that sub-contractors are the backbone of Australia’s building and construction industry. They enter into contracts, do the work and have a fundamental legal right to be paid. But in this industry, all small business […]

Insolvency BCR Advisory

Another Australian retail failure — Marcs and David Lawrence are going into administration

This article was sourced from The Australian Business Review. Article by Bridget Carter and Scott Murdoch. Fashion labels Marcs and David Lawrence have gone in to voluntary administration, citing deteriorating sales, general market conditions and poor cash flow. They are the latest in a string of players in the retail sector, under pressure from online trading […]

Bankruptcy BCR Advisory

Australia: Liquidators and the TGA – legislative and practical issues

This article was sourced from Mondaq. Article by William Clement and Ian Currie. Liquidators can face significant issues when appointed over companies that operate under the licensing regime of the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). The TGA is a Commonwealth Government agency administered by the Department of Health. It’s responsible for regulating the supply, import, export, manufacturing and […]